Thursday, June 21, 2012

60s inspiration

Hello everyone!
I'm so sorry I've been bad and I haven't been posting or even returning all your lovely comment! I can't tell you all how much I appreciate your support and following! I PROMISE to return every comment on this post. please leave your blog so I can check you guys out! 
It's been a long time since I did a 1960s photo inspiration post, so here it is! I wish they still made Twiggy lashes because I would wear them every day!
This weekend I'm heading down to LA to do a couple fashion photoshoots, then after that I'm going to my beach house in Mendocino, so it's going to be a crazy couple of weeks!
I hope you all have a lovely start to summer!

Our Other Love

This was what I wore during a dinner date with the boyfriend a while back. We see each other everyday for client meetings and routinary post-production work for our other love, photography. But we seldom go out to just talk about ourselves and be just boyfriend-girlfriend. haha 
So we decided to take a break from being business partners, slow down, and celebrate the more important things in life.  A simple dinner, movie date, then coffee after always does the trick. :)
Thank you Lord for the gift of time and for all the blessings that has come our way. :)

P.S. Parang feeling first date lang ang peg ko dito. Agree? haha

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Find the latest women's high street fashion hair accessories online with Oasap, shop for women's high street fashion hair accessories, headbands at Oasap high street fashion store.

Here another example of what I wear during working days. Jeans and heels are a perfect "coupple" with which it is hard to go wrong, although, I must admit that often I choose a more comfortable pair of flats. Changing the subject, now I need your advice: for me and my boyfriend is time to plan our holidays. In August, we would like to fly to the USA and more specifically we would like to visit the West Coast. Have you ever been there? What we should absolutely see? Let me know!

Ecco un altro esempio di cosa indosso durante le mie normalissime giornate di lavoro. Jeans e tacchi sono un'accoppiata vincente con la quale è difficile sbagliare, anche se, devo ammettere che spesso finisco per scegliere un paio di più comode ballerine. 
Cambiando discorso, oggi ho bisogno dei vostri consigli: per me ed il mio ragazzo è arrivato il momento di pianificare le vacanze. Ad agosto vorremmo volare negli USA e più precisamente fare un tour della West Coast. Qualcuno di voi c'è stato? Cosa non dovremmo perderci? Fatemi sapere!

W domowym zaciszu - fiolet + zieleń

Za oknem nie jest ciekawie, cały dzień chodzę w sweterku Mateusza. Zrobiłam niewiele, ale nadrobiłam czytanie książki, którą przez ostatni miesiąc odłożyłam na bok. Dziś ją przeprosiłam i cieszę się, bo jest genialna. Pewnie jak skończę pojawi się wpis książkowy. Aparat odpoczywa, baterie się ładują więc jutro pojawi się coś aktualnego. Dzisiaj zastanawiałam się nad tym czy jeszcze mam wenę, by tu prawić. Chyba moje pomysły nieco się wypaliły i z tego powodu stawiam sobie dwóję!

Zdjęcia z przed paru dni. Stylizacja domowa - co nie znaczy, że będzie to dresik i ciepłe kapcie. Akurat w ten dzień zabrało mi fotografa, więc musiałam poradzić sobie sama. Mam nadzieję, że takimi zdjęciami zadowolicie się tak samo, jak innymi pozowanymi stylizacjami. Bluzeczka po raz drugi - zauroczyła mnie swoim fasonem. Posiada ciekawy print, a w dodatku kupiłam ją w Second Handzie za grosze. Zielone spodenki uzupełniają całość (też są z sh). Jak się Wam podoba połączenie takich kolorów? Mnie bardzo! :)


Shop for women's creepers at Oasap women's fashion creepers store. Refine your style with Oasap latest fashion creepers collection. Take on a new look for 2012.

During these days it's my obsession. What am I talking about? The trip to California that I'm planning and that is taking up my evenings. Flights, hotels, rental cars ... a very long job that I hope will realize without a hitch as soon as possible! And you? Where are you planning to spend this summer?

In questi giorni è la mia ossessione. Di cosa parlo? Del viaggio in California che sto progettando e che sta assorbendo le mie serate. Voli, hotels, auto a noleggio... un lavoro lunghissimo che spero prenda forma e si realizzi senza intoppi il prima possibile! E voi dove progettate di andare quest'estate? 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Black, white and gold

Discover the most stylish women's slim fit trousers from Oasap women's coat store, choose from a large collection of black trench coat, light blue coat, camel coat, camel coat, womens black coat, apricot coat, black suit coat.

A comfy look, but also a refined one. I decided to add to the classic black and white combo a touch of gold and see what happened: you can judge for yourself the result! What makes this outfit so comfy? Wearing my After Flats, was like walking barefoot. And which is the refined touch for excellence? This black hat from Style by Stories of course!
p.s. If you want to shop at this amazing online store you will get 10% OFF if you first subscribe to the newsletter and then use the code FABRIZIA10 at the checkout: hurry up, it's valid before 30th June!!

Un look comodo, ma anche raffinato. Ho deciso di aggiungere alla classica combinazione bianco&nero il colore oro e di vedere cosa succedeva: potete giudicare voi stesse il risultato! Cosa rende questo outfit così comodo? Indossare le mie After Flats è come camminare a piedi nudi. E qual è il tocco raffinato per eccellenza? Questo cappello nero di Style by Stories ovviamente!
p.s. Se volete fare shopping su questo fantastico negozio online avrete il 10% di sconto se prima vi iscriverete alla newsletter e se poi userete il codice FABRIZIA10: sbrigatevi, è valido solo fino al 30 giugno!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Pausa para exames

See more :) 

Olá! Imaginem lá o porquê da minha ausência?! Pois. Exames. 
Deixo-vos com estas fotografias que eu amei! E com votos de boa sorte para os vossos exames! 
(Além disto, ainda tenho uma cadelinha para cuidar que adoptei no canil, novas rotinas).
Um beijo enorme para todos.