Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Little Sweet Hearts

Domani mi laureo. Fa molto strano dirlo, questi giorni sono volati ed ora c'è solo un cocktail di ansia ed... ansia!

La prima foto di questo post risale a qualche anno fa, ho pensato di reinterpretare l'abito bianco con tutti dettagli a cuore. Anello e bracciale 21diamonds e collana Morellato. Tomorrow there will be my graduation. It's really strange to say.. Now I have anxiety..

The first photo is from some year ago, I decided to reinterpret the white dress with hearts details. Ring and bracelet by 21 Diamonds and Morellato necklace.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

july purchases

Today I'm going to show you the first part of the items I bought at sales recently. Can't wait to show you the second part.

Heute zeige ich euch den ersten Teil meiner Sale-Ausbeute. Ich kann es gar nicht erwarten, euch den zweiten Teil zu zeigen, denn ich habe wirklich ganz schön zugeschlagen bei Zara und co. :)