EN: Summer is near!
In Romania it already feels like summer with the 30 degrees Celsius
temperatures we're having here! That makes me think of the time I'm
going to spend at the beach and of course of bathing suits.
For me there is no doubt, Oasap.com has the best swimwear! Below are my favorite swimsuits.:) Get ready to be amazed!
RO: Vara
e aproape! In Romania deja pare vara, temperaturile de peste 30 de
grade Celsius ne-au luat cu asalt! Asta ma face sa ma gandesc la timpul
pe care il voi petrece la plaja si bineinteles la costume de baie.
Pentru mine nu exista nici un dubiu ca Oasap.com
are cele mai grozave costume de baie! Mai jos vedeti costumele mele
preferate dintr-o singura piesa.:) Pregatiti-va sa fiti fermecate!
Do you have a favorite or, just like me, you love them all?
Aveti vreun preferat sau, la fel ca mine, le iubiti pe toate?